Garance Genicot
Professor, Department of Economics, Georgetown University
Research Interests:
Garance Genicot is an economist who studies key issues in development economics such as aspirations, informal credit and insurance markets, gender and property rights, social networks, tolerance, inequality and mobility.
Working Paper:
"Female Firstborn and Family Structure" with Maria Hernandez de Benito
"Pack-Crack-Pack: Gerrymandering with Differential Turnout" with Laurent Bouton, Micael Castanheira and Allison Stashko
"Great Gatsby Curve" with Laura Mayoral and Debraj Ray
"Political Reservations as Term-Limits" with Cait Brown and Nishtha Kochhar
"Carrots or Sticks: Experimental Evidence on Incentives for Agriculture Extension Staff" with Ghazala Mansuri and Zahra Mansoor
Published Papers:
"Diffusion and Targeting Centrality," with Yann Bramoullé, Journal of Economic Theory, forthcoming (latex notation)
"Identities in Conflict" with Debraj Ray, Handbook on the Economics of Conflict, forthcoming
"Measuring Upward Mobility," with Debraj Ray, American Economic Review 113 (11), 1–47, 2023 Slides
Upward Mobility in Developing Countries" with Carolina Concha-Arriagada and Debraj Ray, Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics forthcoming
Tolerance and Compromise in Social Networks , Journal of Political Economy 130 (1), 2022 Slides
Women's Land Rights and Village Institutions in Tanzania with Maria Hernandez de Benito, World Development 153, 2022.
Electoral Systems and Inequalities in Government Interventions, with Laurent Bouton and Micael Castanheira, Journal of the European Economic Association 19(6), 2021. Slides
Aspirations in Economics: a Review, with Debraj Ray, Annual Reviews of Economics 12, pp 715-746, 2020. Slides
Asymmetry of Information within Family Networks, with Joachim de Weerdt and Alice Mesnard, Journal of Human Resources 54(1), pp 225-254, 2019. Slides
The Impact of Migration on Child Labor: Theory and Evidence from Brazil, with Anna Maria Mayda and Mariapia Mendola, in Markets, Governance and Institutions in the Process of Economic Development Oxford University Press, 2018.
Inequality and Aspirations, with Debraj Ray, Econometrica 85, (2), 489-519, 2017. See also the online appendix
Two-sided Altruism and Signaling, Economics Letter 145, 92-97, 2016.
Suicides and Property Rights in India, with Siwan Anderson, Journal of Development Economics 114, pp. 64-78, 2015. Our column in Ideas for India.
Group Formation and Risk Pooling in a Field Experiment, with Abigail Barr, Orazio Attanasio, Juan Camilo Cardenas and Costas Meghir, AEJ: Applied Economics, 4(2), 134-167 April 2012.
What Do Networks Do? The Role of Networks on Migration and 'Coyote' Use, with Sarah Dolfin, Review of Development Economics 14(2), pp 343-359, May 2010.
An Experimental Test of Risk-Sharing Without Commitment, with Gary Charness, Economic Journal 119 April 2009, 796-825.
Risk Pooling, Commitment and Information: An Experimental Test, with Abigail Barr, Journal of the European Economic Association 6(6): 1151-1185, December 2008.
Child Bonded Labor entry for The World of Child Labor, Hugh Hindman ed., ME Sharpe, 2009.
Informal Insurance in Social Networks, with Francis Bloch and Debraj Ray, Journal of Economic Theory 143(1), 36-58, November 2008.
Reciprocity in Groups and the Limits to Social Capital, with Francis Bloch and Debraj Ray, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2007.
Contracts and Externalities: How Things Fall Apart, with Debraj Ray, Journal of Economic Theory 131(1), pp 71-100, November 2006.
Bargaining Power and Enforcement in Credit Markets, with Debraj Ray, Journal of Development Economics 79(2), pp 398-412, April 2006.
Malnutrition and Child Labor, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 107 (1), pp 83-102, March 2005.
Informal Insurance, Enforcement Constraints, and Group Formation, with Debraj Ray, in Group Formation in Economics: Networks, Clubs, and Coalitions, edited by Gabrielle Demange and Myrna Wooders, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005.
Endogenous Group Formation in Risk-Sharing Arrangements, with Debraj Ray, Review of Economic Studies 70 (1), January 2003. For a conjecture related to the paper, click here. For robustness checks of Example 2, click here.
Demand Elasticities for Health Service Providers in Tanzania, with D. Sahn and S. Younger, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 65(2), pp 241-260, May 2003.
Investing in Conflict Management, with S. Skaperdas (+ Figures), Journal of Conflict Resolution 46 (1), February 2002.
Bonded Labor and Serfdom: A Paradox of Voluntary Choice, Journal of Development Economics 67 (1), 101-127, February 2002.
Minimum Wage Laws and Unemployment Benefits when Labor Supply is a Household Decision, with K. Basu and J.E. Stiglitz, in Markets and Government, Oxford University Press 2002.
Equivalence Scales and Family Allowances, with F. Foidart and P. Pestieau, Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles 155, 3eme trimestre 1997.
Older Working Papers:
Public Good Provision with Intermediaries, with Francis Bloch.